Monday, October 17, 2011

#12 Creepy Crawlies= YIKES! Or do they?

Greetings from the keyboard, everyone!
I'm trying more and more to keep up with writing this blog but it's just so hard sometimes to think of what to write about! I sit and ponder for minutes at a time, thinking my very hardest of things that you guys would find fascinating AND fun ("Pat, why don't you just write about cupcakes then?" I KNOW, right?! :P)
While porpoises are interesting, fun, amazing, unique, entrancing, and the sole reason I cut, there is only so much I can write about them before I want to MiX iT uP! So, for this VERY SPECIAL post, I will be writing about...





Wait for it...




"Spit it out already, ya doofus!"


This post is going to be about...


"No way! I can't wait! You're hot."

I wanted to show you guys some pictures of:
1: The Prettiest
2: The Cutest
3: The Biggest
4: The Scariest
5: The Whackiest
7: The Grossest
creepy crawlies in the world!!!!!

Here we go!

1: The Prettiest-
The Orchideous Mantis!
A truly beautiful predator that waits in flowers for its prey! 

2: The Cutest-
A baby jumping spider! 
This little guy is the definition of a Q-T!

3: The Biggest-
The Atlas Moth!
At 14 inches across, the Atlas Moth is the largest moth in the world!

4: The Scariest-
The Huntsman Spider! 
What if you wiped with it?

5: The Whackiest-
A Praying Mantis!
What in the hail does this lil' fella think he's doin?!
Catching a cab?!

6: The Grossest-
These creepy crawlies are not only gross, they're ruining our economy!


Well, that wraps up this post! I hope you learned a thing or two about some very interesting invertebrates, and maybe you were even a little inspired to go exploring species on your own! The insect world is a wonderful and weird place that we humans are still learning much about. Unlike ethnic integration/equality, bugs shouldn't scare you because they are a natural part of our ecosystem and an essential factor in the equation of all living things! Be mindful of that the next time you go to squish that spider in your kitchen, who is only eating all the grimy bugs trying to eat the food in your cabinets. You should leave the spider be, because in a way, spiders are like border patrol; keeping things the way they should be...



'Til next time!