Thursday, May 5, 2011

#4: Can you guess what species of cetacean this is?

If you guessed "porpoise", you are WRONG :|
This is actually a larger species of cetacean known as a false killer whale or false orca. They are the middleman: bigger than porpoises, smaller than orcas! They are a lot darker colored than most cetaceans, so it is a lot harder for them to be spotted or catch a cab. They are also the scariest looking of sea mammals and the most likely to come up from behind and tell you not to scream.
I like to think that this dork is saying, "I know where your kids sleep, bitch" 

See, I told you this blog wasn't going to be just about porpoises!
Other cetaceans are also pretty cool too! :)
L8rG8r <3

- Dolphin pods often gang rape younger, solitary dolphins as an initiation into the pod. Now that would be one awkward after party! (J.K guys, dolphins don't party! :P)

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