Monday, May 16, 2011

#8 Solid Poetry.

Hey y'all ;p
How are you doing? How was your day?
 I just ate a turkey wrap with HOT SAUCE! (yow)

I thought I'd start incorporating some different things into this blog.
I've posted poetry before, but I would like to start posting pictures and then using said picture as inspiration for an on-the-spot poem!
I know, you're probably/most likely/definitely/please be saying,
"WHOA! How's he gonna do all that?! I love him a lot. 
He should call me more"

My answer to that is: 
"I would like to start calling you more" 

These pictures/poems won't necessarily always be about/of porpoises, but most will.
I'm gonna show you things you've never even thought about before.

And now...
A taste of what's to cum...

"Beneath the Mirrored Sky"
By Patrick White

Skimming the surface
It's all we know
Skimming the surface
What lyes below?
Beluga whales,Beluga whales
In the ocean.
They live in water
They don't need skin lotion.

"Sisters of Luna"
By Patrick White

In the night they cry
In our hearts they pry
Apart, they may live
Together, they will never die.
Sisters of the moon,
Sisters of the moon
They're just a bunch of kooky owl pals
actin' like buffoons. 

*** NOTE ***
-Some poems I post may be from different authors!

"A Length from Grace"
By Maya Angelou

Through a speckled lid
the sun retrieves a dusty heart
The walk back to the passed
remembers us a length apart.
Struggling to rise
a song bird's song supports my back
Lifted by the smell of plum pie 
The little things that take me back
they fade into the speckled lids
The length from you, it grows again
A simple southern daughter
Who's favorite album is 
"Chocolate Starfish and
Hot dog flavored water" 
Rests upon a seat
like hurricane winds
her brown eye heaves
What's left in the water is grace
a holy cherub
an angel's face.

L8R :p
<3- Patty

-Porpoises can swim very quickly in water, but only when they are in it.

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