Sunday, May 29, 2011

#10 A History Lesson

'Sup guys!
Haven't posted in a while so I thought this time I'd fill you in with a quick lesson in sea mammal history!
Porpoises haven't always been as cute and playful as they are today. If you believe in evolution (meaning you aren't some no-life, corn-fed, inbred, retarded scumcunt) you will find this very insightful!

During the Miocene epoch, the time period that ranged from about 23 million to 5 million years ago, there lived one of the earliest cetaceans, Eurhinodelphis. It was very similar in size to porpoises and dolphins of today, reaching a little over 6 feet long. What was so interesting about it? Its snout (or beak in cetacean terms) was elongated like that of the bill of a swordfish and was very sharp, which it used to swipe at prey. This menacingly dangerous protrusion was not the only thing that made it terrifying, though.

According to this artist's depiction, it also was also colored with cheap rose art colored pencils and had Gilbert Gottfried eyes...

Wow. Gilby's eyes are more Gilbert Gottfried-y than Gilbert Gottfried's

I didn't know sea mammals could have down syndrome!
Probably better that it's extinct then, huh?

Have a great week!

- Sometimes when I think about porpoises, my gums bleed.

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